Friday, September 28, 2012

Palazzo Vecchio - The Medici Come Alive

View of Palazzo Vecchio from Piazza della Signoria.

Palazzo Vecchio is a truly impressive establishment.  Though massive, it appears somewhat unassuming from the outside - a fortress built more for function than for grandeur.  However, all of that changes the moment you step inside.

From the first sights inside the palace, it is clear that the wealth amassed over centuries by the Medici and the city of Florence was not hidden away, but was set on full display for all who entered to behold and observe with wonder.

Gold-leaf ceiling.
The ceilings are intricately carved wood meticulously covered in gold leaf that shines far beyond the span of time in which it was conceived.  Every detail of the palace sends a message to those who enter, from wealth and prosperity to power and might.  Massive frescoes adorn the walls, and ceilings in the lesser rooms depict allegorical scenes from ancient myths.

In one particularly poignant story, it was revealed that Cosimo I de Medici commissioned a ceiling to be decorated with a scene featuring the ancient Greek god, Zeus, as a young child.  This was supposed to have symbolized Cosimo's potential to become a great and powerful leader, as well as to imply his extreme power.

Perhaps what most made the story of the Medici come alive was our introduction to their typical fashion.  Being able to interact with historical reconstructions of their clothing provided us with an opportunity to really visualize and experience history come alive.

A dress in the style of Eleonora.
It was at this point in the tour that something struck me.  Of all the beautiful places that I've seen, this was the first that I could really appreciate the physical history.  I was overwhelmed by the fact that Cosimo and Eleonora had actually lived in the very place that I stood, and that so much had survived to tell their story.

Overall, our first site visit as a class was a grand success.  I adored the opportunity to explore the palace with the knowledge of everything that had happened there, and seeing real-life examples of the fashions we had learned about in class was an invaluable experience for us all.

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